
Showing posts from 2020

Shluchim Mivtza!


Rabbi Spalter Farbrengs for Yud Tes Kislev


Kinus Hashluchim for the Bochurim!

It was beautiful. A sight to be seen. Our Shluchim put together an amazing event this past Motzoei Shabbos. An inspiring Melave Malka with guest speakers and Farbrengens, celebrating Shlichus. It was our very own KINUS HASHLUCHIM! We hard from Rabbi Forma about his challenging and rewarding Shlichus to Paraguay. Rabbi Yossi Denburg Farbrenged with us through the night. Thank you to all the guests and participants.

BBQ for Shiur Alef Dorm

Yasher Koach to Shneur Zalman Oster for putting together a lavish BBQ for our Shiur Alef Dorm Bochurim. Keep up the good behavior!

Chicken Soup?! Thank you Shluchim!


Friday Zoom learning in the A.C!

Friday Morning Videos and Pictures Click the links to watch the videos Shiur Alef Iyun Shiur Beis Iyun Shiur Gimmel  Shiur Beis iyun with Rabbi Janowski Shiur Gimmel Iyun with Rabbi Cheruff Shiur Alef Iyun with Rabbi Shusterman Chassidus with Rabbi Janowski Chassidus with Rabbi Shusterman

Catch up on the last few days!

I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.  Big Yasher Koach to the Shluchim and Dorm Counselors for stepping up to the plate!  BH, we've maintained a structured Seder Hayom and are trying to make it as exciting as possible. Surprise swims, extra incentives, new Mivtzas.... Sample Daily Schedule Shiur Gimmel on Rabbi Eizicovics' Porch Quick Basketball break Shiur Alef on Rabbi Shusterman's Porch Shiur Alef on Zoom together with Rabbi Cheruff and the Local Bochurim SHLUCHIM SEDER CHASSIDUS WITH RABBI DENBURG ZOOM Halacha on Rabbi Janowski Porch SHLUCHIM MIVTZAS GALORE!