Our Shochet, Rabbi Avrohom Granat, of Coral Springs, took us through the Shchita process from beginning until end. We learned many Halachos and it was a phenomenal experience. The pictures will speak for themselves.
HaShliach Levi Bartfield at the Farm
Rabbi Granat starts teaching us some Halachos. Do you know the difference between a Neveilah and a Treifah?!
Rabbi Granat starts teaching us some Halachos. Do you know the difference between a Neveilah and a Treifah?!
- שהייה Shehiyah (delay or pausing) - A pause of hesitation during the incision of even a moment makes the animal's flesh unkosher. The knife must move in an uninterrupted sweep.
- דרסה Derasah (pressing) - The knife must be drawn across the throat by forward/backward movements, not by hacking or pressing. Any undue pressure renders the animal unkosher.
The above Dinim explain why the "Chalaf" shouldn't be too large and heavy and must always be checked for smoothness. Only the Shochet knows how he Shechted, that's why they must be proper Yirei Shomayim.
Mendel is ready with the Hose.
Yaakov has the "Ofor"
Just about ready.....
Time to Clean
Chickens are placed upright on a crate and Salted with KOSHER SALT
Mendy volunteers to keep watch.