Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Talmid Hashovua Nitzavim-Vayelech - Cheskie Robbins

I think I'll skip Gym and watch Rabbi Colaiv Friedman's Shiur on the "Ma'amer" - Shmully Simon

Cheder @ the Mesivta? YOU BET!

Hebrew Academy Middle School + Mesivta of Coral Springs = Cheder Menachem @ Mesivta!

Every Sunday the boys from Hebrew Academy middle school spend there Sunday mornings Davening with the Mesivta Bochurim, Learning Chassidus, Farbrenging, singing Niggunim,and just being Chassidish together with the Talmidim Hashluchim of 5770+2.

Thank you Shluchim, Rabbi's Rabin and Denburg for making this the success it is!

Hafoch Boh! 85% average or higher!